EvBoo Events

What is an Event?
An Event is a thing that happens or takes place. In Scouts and Guides, there are always plenty of things happening! These are typically adventurous activities such as hiking, climbing or sailing. In EvBoo, an Event is the term given to an activity that is being run. However some Events might include many Activities (e.g. Activity Camps). A list of possible events that EvBoo would be suitable for can be found below. If you don’t see your Event or Activity, just contact us to see whether the system would be suitable.

EvBoo is suitable for managing bookings for the following events or activities:

  • Hiking Competitions
  • Cooking Competitions
  • Camping Competitions
  • Beaver, Cubs, Rainbow and Brownie Fun Days
  • Weekend Activity Camps
  • Weekend Caving, Canoeing or other expeditions
  • Family Camps
  • Celebrations – such as Cubs 100 events
  • Quiz Evenings
  • Backwoods or Survival Camps
  • Activity Taster days
  • Air Experience days
  • District Camps
  • County Camps
  • International Camps and Jamborees
  • Any other activities run for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Rainbow Guides, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section Guides particularly where these include members from more than one section, group, district or county.